Newsmax Article: By Exposing Media, Trump Might Make It More Honest
By Exposing Media, Trump Might Make It More Honest
U.S. President Donald Trump steps off Air Force One upon arrival at Morristown Municipal Airport in Morristown, New Jersey, on July 1, 2017. (Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images)
Media mandarins are whining about how President Trump’s tweets are an attack on the media but they miss the point. President Trump’s tweets are the media. My tweets are the media. All our tweets are the media. We can all now open a Twitter account for free and build our own media empire with our own network of friends and followers. President Trump has a Twitter following of over 30 million which means that he can directly reach ten times the number of people during a day than do most cable TV shows or newspapers.
By exposing the fake media, President Trump might ultimately force them to become more honest. They are realizing that they no longer hold a monopoly on the media and information highway. Every time President Trump sends out a “Twitter storm” which he tends to do in the early morning hours , it is amusing to listen to the “experts” on stations like MSNBC virtually go nuts with their rage and confusion.
We have entered a new media age and there is no turning back. Now anyone can be heard and the old-guard gate-keepers of information must now compete. Perhaps they might eventually respond to this democratic trend by going back to Journalism 101, by reporting the truth, and by doing the arduous and painstaking work of investigation. After all, how many times can they be exposed as liars and then expect to go on, business as usual?
The new media, which is mostly free and which is available to the average person, has already changed the course of history. Gone are the days when CBS Evening News anchor, “uncle” Walter Cronkite could opine from his high and mighty perch intoning, like he was Moses descending from Sinai, and that’s the way it is. Cronkite biographer, Douglas Brinkley pretty much let the cat out of the bag in terms of how biased and left-wing old uncle Walter was.
Now the responsibility for investigating corruption has fallen into the hands of figures such as YouTube star James O’Keefe and his Project Veritas. O’Keefe and his team, operating undercover, exposed voter fraud in the 2016 election. They did this by filming examples that could, as such, not be refuted. Two Democratic operatives, Scott Foval and Robert Creamer, lost their jobs after a Project Veritas sting that exposed them allegedly trying to create violence that would then fit the media smear against Trump.
The old liberal media responds with an unprecedented war against President Donald Trump, a war that goes well beyond the bounds of responsible journalism, a war that nips at the edges of outright sedition. They continue with their phony British accents talking about the “crisis” that “pervades the country” and the unhealthy milieu that has dominated since the election. They make dark innuendo comparing the president to Hitler and then they wonder why there has been in increase in violence against Republicans and why there are now cases where a gunman, a known liberal, shoots Republican Rep. Steve Scalise at a baseball game.
The old liberal media has every right to investigate and criticize the president and his administration but, maybe, they might consider focusing on the issues? Let them criticize Trump’s policies on taxes, immigration, regulations, trade, and healthcare. This probably won’t happen anytime soon as they are no doubt cognizant of the likelihood that they would lose those arguments. Thus, they resort to personal smear and conspiracy theories. And, thus, we react by learning the ways and means of the new media to expose what is true and what is fake.
Chuck Morse is a radio host who broadcasts live Thursday's at 10 a.m. ET at WMFO-Tufts. Chuck hosts the podcast "Chuck Morse Speaks" on iTunes and Stitcher and his books are available on For more of his reports — Click Here Now.
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