Saturday, January 25, 2020

WND: Nazis at work today in the Middle East

Are radical Muslims in power today following a playbook of anti-Jewish hatred carefully crafted during Adolf Hitler’s reign of terror in Germany?
That’s the shocking conclusion of a new book by columnist-author Chuck Morse, “The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism: Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin Al-Husseini.”
The direct ties between Hitler and Haj Amin al-Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem and the man Yasser Arafat referred to as “uncle,” are laid bare – along with the Nazi connection to Islamic terrorism and contemporary figures.
The book, newly released by WND Books, describes a leadership path from the original Muslim Brotherhood to today’s leadership in Egypt, Syria and the Palestinian Authority. It includes never-before-published photographs of al-Husseini and Hitler, his Nazi-Arabic troops, and, at his funeral, the late Arafat.
One of the techniques al-Husseini utilized was the “orchestrated” riot employed recently in the Muhammad cartoon flap.
It’s one of those stories almost too fantastic to believe.
But it is true and well-documented nonetheless.
“Today’s most dangerous, fanatical, genocidal and anti-Jewish Muslim leaders were inspired – and sometimes even lifted to power and prominence – by the Nazi Party of Hitler’s Germany,” says Joseph Farah, a former Middle East correspondent and publisher of WND Books. “The proof is in this book.”
It is probably the best biography of al-Husseini ever written, Farah adds. In many ways, writes Morse, his villainy was as notorious as Hitler’s.
“To understand his influence on the Middle East is to understand the ongoing genocidal program against the Jews of Israel,” writes Morse.
Never before has the full story of this extraordinary link between Nazism and today’s Islamic jihadism been so meticulously told.
“When you hear Middle East leaders like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad calling for the extermination of Israel and you wonder where all that hatred begins, this book provides the answer,” says Farah.


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