Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Two faces of anti-Semitism

When anti-Semites blame Jews for corruption in both Capitalism and Communism, they are either un-wittingly or consciously embracing an agenda that is anti-Capitalist, anti-Christian, anti-American and anti-God. While Capitalism includes corrupt individuals, as Capitalism is a reflection of human nature and freedom which includes the freedom to sin, Communism is itself corrupt and un-natural. While Capitalism functions best in a limited government that protects individual freedom, Communism is total power in the hands of elites who seek to change human nature and this is the very essence of corruption.

Judaism introduced Capitalism into the world through the Torah which established private property when Abraham purchased land to bury his wife Sarah and limited government which Jethro taught to Moses in the Sinai desert. The Torah holds that God created men and women in his image which means that every human life has intrinsic value and is equal under the law. Social associations within the Torah were voluntary. The moral and ethical code of the Torah guides the Jew in personal and business relations and these laws are understood to have been derived from a divine law-giver who is beyond human manipulation.  Christianity embraced God and the moral and ethical code of Sinai through the ministry of Jesus and brought that code to the United States where Christians established those moral and ethical principles.

Jews further developed Capitalism while in exile, as a people without a state of their own, by clinging to the Torah under often adversarial circumstances. The diaspora led to the development of the Jew as the rugged individualist who survived on his own wits and on his ability to think outside the box. Jews developed concepts of free trade and inventiveness to a high art. Christians further developed Capitalism by establishing the United States, a nation of individual accomplishment, rugged individualism and free thinkers.

Karl Marx, the patron saint of Communism, defined modern anti-Semitism by blaming the Jews in his conspiracy theory of exploitation where he contended that the successful, the “haves”  obtained their success by exploiting the “have-nots.” In his pamphlet “On the Jewish Question” later re-published as “A World Without Jews,” Marx theorized that by eliminating Judaism, society could expunge such natural human attributes as self-interest, “huckstering” by which Marx meant the free exchange of goods and services, and money, which is the abstract element that facilitates such free exchange and a representation of private property.

To sell his theory to the masses, Marx exploited natural anti-Semitism which is based on degrees of envy and fear of “the other” by legitimizing those normal emotions in order to mobilize people politically. Marx theory and methodology, holding that there was something sinister about Jewish success, and by extension something wrong with Capitalism and individual freedom, was swallowed whole by Adolf Hitler during the time he lived as a left-wing bohemian artist in Vienna.

Yet why, then, are Jews are also blamed for Communism, which represents a set of beliefs and principles that are anathema to Judaism? This is because a large number of apostate Jews became prominent in the Communist movement and many of these former Jews assumed high profile and often brutal positions in Bolshevik Russia and elsewhere in the west. It should be noted that Communism was no more Jewish than Nazism was Catholic even though many of the Nazi leaders had Catholic backgrounds including Hitler. The toxin of Communism infected a large swath of the Judaic body with a series of false messiahs starting with Shabbatai Zvai in the 17th Century and then Jacob Frank in the 18th Century. Since those times, Communism has obtained a major foot-hold on the Jewish mind and soul. The Nazis combined Marxist anti-Semitism, a condemnation of Judaism as Capitalist, with theories contending that Communism was a Jewish conspiracy. Adding further toxicity, the Nazis included the Jews in their collectivist crack-pot theories on race.

The anti-Semitism pervading in much of the Arab and Muslim world, as expressed by the desire to destroy the State of Israel, is mostly of the Marxist variety which its agenda has been so successfully sold to the international left. Regressive Arab and Islamic states and societies, authoritarian systems that have a great deal in common with Communism, resent and fear Israel because Israel is Capitalist and, as such, Israel offers its citizens opportunities to achieve. The anti-Israel stance by the international left is also driven by the Jewish belief that rights emanate from the creator and not from the state. Like Marx, they seek to destroy Capitalism and belief in God as these stand in the way of their utopian fantasy of a man-made international collectivist human ant colony. They are anti-Christian and anti-American for the same reasons.    


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