Newsmax Column: Socialized Medicine Means the State Determines Death
Socialized Medicine Means the State Determines Death
A banner is hung on a fence as supporters of of terminally ill baby Charlie Gard protest outside the High Court after the verdict was announced on July 24, 2017, in London, England. The five-month legal battle over Charlie Gard's future treatment ended after a U.S. neurologist said that it was now too late to give him treatment. (Carl Court/Getty Images)
The parents of Charlie Gard have now given up their fight against a British Hospital who determined that it was in the “best interests” of their infant to die. The baby suffers from a rare genetic disorder, a DNA depletion syndrome, and an American doctor, Michio Hirano, had offered to treat the child. Doctor Hirano has reportedly applied an experimental drug to treat another infant with a similar condition with evidence of success. The doctor was denied access to the child against the wishes of the parents. It has now been determined that, after months of appeals, it is too late to save the child.
The decision by the hospital to let the child die was backed by a British judge.
Private money was raised to move the child to an American hospital but the child was essentially detained at the British hospital. Since when does a hospital, or for that matter a government have the legal, not to mention the moral authority to rule over the legitimate wishes of the parents to decide medical treatment?
This is what happens when liberals socialize medicine.
The parents, who have probably been conditioned over their lifetimes to accept the verdict of government controlled healthcare, unfortunately didn’t know how to stand up to its evil and sick manifestation when it came home to roost on their own child.
We will never know if Dr. Hirano’s treatment might have worked since it is now too late as little Charlie will soon be murdered by neglect, in his “best interests,” according to the authorities. Maybe little Charlie's was a “life not worth living” to use the old Nazi socialist slogan.
Congress is now debating whether America will go in the direction of letting the state decide the course of our healthcare and that of our children. We might someday face, in America, a government run system like that of socialized Britain where the government decides who lives and who dies. It has been suggested by many that Obama knew the system that he put in place through a series of lies would fail and that, indeed, he planned for the system to fail and it is predictably failing. Premiums and deductibles are going through the roof, state budgets are imploding due to the expansion of Medicaid to the middle class and millionaires, and insurance companies are abandoning entire regions.
The Democrats claim that millions of Americans will lose their insurance coverage if Obamacare is repealed but this too is a lie. Most working Americans are not insured when it costs them upwards of tens of thousands of dollars in premium payments and deductibles before they can get coverage for a flu shot. The Obamacare coverage is a fraud.
Obama and his comrades applied the Cloward-Piven strategy to their healthcare law. This strategy, devised by socialist Professors Richard Cloward and Francis Fox Piven in a published article in 1966, called for overwhelming the welfare system with applications to implode the system which would then be replaced by a “guaranteed annual income” for all unemployed Americans. Obama planned for a failing Obamacare system to do likewise, to implode, and to then be replaced by so-called single payer healthcare. That would be a system that is totally run by the government.
Let’s hope that our Republican congressmen fulfill the promise they made over the last 7 years to repeal this evil and un-American system. Perhaps there might even be a few Democrats who might retain enough remnants of morality in their souls that they might have the courage to join the Republicans in this valiant effort.
Chuck Morse is a radio host who broadcasts live Thursday's at 10 a.m. ET at WMFO-Tufts. Chuck hosts the podcast "Chuck Morse Speaks" on iTunes and Stitcher and his books are available on For more of his reports — Click Here Now.
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