Wednesday, May 4, 2016

ADL Political Hit on Donald Trump

ADL Political Hit on Donald Trump 05/04 by Chuck Morse Speaks 1 | Current Events Podcasts: America First generally describes the anti-War sentiment that existed in the years before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The America First organization included a cross section of Americans both left and right including such liberal luminaries as Nation Magazine editor Oswald Garrison Villard. One of the leaders of America First, aviator Charles Lindburgh, had pro-Nazi leanings and embraced the same anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that was originally popularized by Karl Marx in the 19th Century, a theory that made up a core belief of the Nazis. The ADL, ignoring real anti-Semitism today including a leftist movement to boycott Israel and a recent New York Times headline implying that Israel is killing Palestinian children, has sent out a press release implying that Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump is an anti-Semite for using the slogan 'America First' since Linburgh was a leader of that group. This smear against Trump is an attempt at a political hit, one that will most likely backfire.