Sunday, May 14, 2017

Anti-Semitism in Newton Mass. Schools

Anti-Semitism in Newton Mass. Schools
120x120_12144123Media File: Charles Jacobs.mp3
Published: 19 Nov, 2014
Last Modified: 14 May, 2017
Comments: 2
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1st hour guest: Sam Blumenfeld joins me in a discussion about immigration, executive orders, education and the propensity on the part of leftist elitists to try to control the world. 2nd hour guest: Charles Jacobs, Director of the Center for Peace and Tolearance and Margot Einstein from the Christians and Jews United for Israel discuss the anti-Israel propaganda promulgated in the Newton Public School system. Ironically Newton, a suburb of Boston, is an affluent liberal community with a sizable Jewish population.



Obamacare - Blacks and Immigration - Israel and the PA

Obamacare  - Blacks and Immigration - Israel and the PA
120x120_12144113Media File: Hogburg_ Hayes_ Rubin.mp3
Published: 20 Nov, 2014
Last Modified: 14 May, 2017
Comments: 1
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1st guest: Dr. David Hogberg, Health Care analyst with the National Center for Public Policy Research discusses Obamacare after the Republican mid-term election victory. 

2nd guest: Ted Hayes: Co-Founder and Coordinator at Capitol Hill National Caucus discusses the impact of Illegal Immigration on the Black Community. 

3rd guest: David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloah, Israel and the author of Peace for Peace: Israel in the New Middle East and The Islamic Tsunami: Israel and America in the Age of Obama discusses Israel and the Palestinian Authority after the Har Nof slaughter.