Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Is there a Grand Conspiracy?

Is There a Grand Conspiracy?

Charles Moscowitz


617-271-5044, Charles Moscowitz

Author of several books, including:
Author Book Page:  Books by Charles Moscowitz  
Columnist:  Published in The Boston Globe, The Washington Times, The Providence Journal, WND, Newsmax and Front Page. 
Challenged Rep. Barney Frank in Massachusetts for Congress in 2004.

Is There a Grand Conspiracy?

Establishment Republicans attack their conservative members while Democrats implement a national takeover of healthcare. The IRS suppresses political opposition while the NSA bugs the phones and computers of tens of millions and spies on world leaders. Local police train SWAT teams while the Federal Government hoards billions of hollow-point bullets. Hyper-Nationalist agendas such as Common Core in education and Agenda 21 in environmental regulation are implemented stealthily and piecemeal. The Federal Government owes Wall Street $17 trillion. President Obama knows nothing, sees nothing and hears nothing. 
What is going on here? 
On the right, the conspiracy theory claims that atheistic secret societies made up of political and financial elites seek world control in private hands. On the left, the theory claims that the conspirators are big corporations who seek to exploit working people for power and for profit. Both right and left theories appear to have more in common than one might assume. 
But is there a grand conspiracy?  
Whittaker Chambers, a former American communist spy who testified in 1948 against FDR’s former assistant Secretary of State Alger Hiss, made reference, in his seminal book Witness to an informal “conspiracy of gentlemen,” and Chambers was on to something. 
There is no one singular grand conspiracy theory, but rather there are those in positions of power and wealth who conspire to transform humanity through force and deception. While they appear to represent a dark side of human nature, they are often sincereif self-interested—as they seek control over society through the manipulation of power and through levers of deception and persuasion. They have existed in every generation since the Biblical Nimrod tried to conquer the world by building the Tower of Babel. More modern world order movements, controlled and financed by private combines of power and wealth, include the twin progressive socialist experiments of Nazism and Communism.  
Islam is essentially a world order political movement that calls for world conquest, or jihad, and total control over people, or Sharia. 
What, then, can be done? 
For starters, the American people must familiarize themselves with the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution which are still the law of the land. Our founding documents recognize that rights come from God and not from governments. The Constitution limits government, tells government what it can’t do, and divides specific power into separate entities that check and balance each other while leaving all other power with the sovereign citizen under God. 
God responded to the world order pretensions of Nimrod by casting down the Tower of Babel and scattering the peoples into separate nations with different languages thus establishing sovereign nations. Each generation since has faced a Nimrod inspired world order conspiracy. We must meet the conspiracy by asserting our natural and sovereign rights under God.
We must remember that freedom does not grow on trees but, rather, it must be protected and defended.
Schedule Charles Moscowitz on your show today for a full discussion on this timely subject!

Charles Moscowitz is the author of books as well as columns that have been published in The Boston Globe, The Washington Times, The Providence Journal, the New Bedford Standard Times, WND, Newsmax and Front Page. Moscowotz received the 2003 Communicator of the Year award from the National Right to Work Committee and was named a "Heavy 100" Radio Talk Host by Talkers Magazine. Moscowitz ran for Congress in 2004 against Rep. Barney Frank in Massachusetts.

Islamo-Communism: The Communist Connection to Islamic Terrorism

In his new book Islamo-Communism: The Communist Connection to Islamic Terrorism, Charles Moscowitz documents how Communists cultivated radical Islam while helping to suppress more peaceful forms of Islam starting in the early 20th Century. 

The Communists promoted and emphasized Islamic doctrines that mirrored those of The Communist Manifesto and the practical effect was that radicalized Muslims formed movements that closely resembled Communism and its sister political faith, Nazism. 

We are reaping the whirlwind of those efforts today as Communistic Islamic terrorists, many of whom were trained in the Soviet Union, disguise themselves as both traditional and as secular Muslims. They include the communized Mullah’s in Iran as well as the Ba’ath Socialists in Syria and the Soviet trained PLO. They engage in the same ongoing war against America, Israel, the Catholic Church and the western democracies as was waged by the Communists and the Nazis. 

Communist inspired Muslims have also been at war with Muslims who have advocated a more peaceful understanding of Islam as co-existing alongside non-Muslim societies, those who believed in a more tolerant and peaceful Islamic society. In his first book in this series, The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism: Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin Al-Husseini published by WND Moscowitz wrote about one such Islamic leader, Faisal ibn Hussein, first King of Syria and then of Iraq, who signed a peace agreement recognizing Palestine as a Jewish State in 1919. Faisal’s fellow progressive Muslims were gradually driven out of power and in many cases killed by radicals such as Haj Amin al-Husseini, named by the British as Mufti of Jerusalem, who closely collaborated with Hitler in Berlin during World War II. 

Moscowitz points out that while westerners, including the British and the Americans have often unwittingly sided with Muslim radicals at the expense of those holding a more peaceful approach, the Nazis and the Soviet Communists cultivated, armed, trained and indoctrinated the radicals. 

The legacy of the Soviet Union lives on today with radical Communist Mullah’s manufacturing nuclear weapons in Iran, the Ba’ath Socialist regime of Bashar al-Assad dropping nerve gas in Syria, the radical Muslim Brotherhood, founded by Marxist educator Hassan al-Banna and closely allied first with the Nazis and then with the Soviets wreaking havoc in Egypt, and with remnants of the Soviet trained and financed PLO along with the Iranian proxy Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood offshoot Hamas agitating against Israel. 

The conflict today is between the western democracies and peaceful and progressive Muslims on one side and the communized radicals who run Iran and who are agitating for world war with terrorism and communist style propaganda on the other. Like the Communists of old, the radical Islamo-Communists seek one world government in order to change humanity toward their evil vision of Utopia. Like the Communists, the Islamo-Communists seek control over all aspects of the lives of those under their control. They call their version of the nanny state Sharia.  Like the Communists, the Islamo-Communists believe in the “struggle” or the “revolution” which they call “jihad.” 

Those of us who are fortunate enough to live in the West need to understand the radical nature of the enemy that wages war against us. We need to read the verses in the Koran that the Islamo-Communists take literally. We need to contrast the virtues of our own free system and way of life with the totalistic world order vision of the Islamo-Communists. Franklin Roosevelt successfully contrasted American virtues with Nazism and Ronald Reagan did likewise with the Soviets. Both were victorious because both identified the spiritual corruption of Nazism and Communism. We need to do the same regarding Islamo-Communism.

American Testament

American Testament - The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution - Keys to America's Future   

American Testament
The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution
Keys to America's Future

America's most respected right-wing intellectual, syndicated radio commentator Charles Moscowitz, is the author of a new book of commentary on the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.

American Testament - The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution - Keys to America's Future demonstrates the vitality and the relevance of our founding documents. Responding to critics of the Constitution from both the left and the right, those who call for a new Constitutional Convention or who view the founding documents as outdated and anachronistic, Moscowitz, the author of 8 non-fiction books, offers a line-by-line analysis of the American founding documents demonstrating the enduring centrality of the American political theory that they codify and represent.

Moscowitz argues that the Declaration of Independence and the U.S.Constitution continue to provide the foundation for the political and social progress that we as a people enjoy today and too often take for granted. 

"The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution are so easy to understand that the average American teenager should be able to read them" notes Moscowitz, who is on a mission to raise the constitutional literacy of his fellow Americans. "The principle idea of America's founding documents is that the sovereign citizen is protected from the government" notes Moscowitz. "The Constitution grants the government narrowly proscribed powers and those powers not specifically granted to the government by the Constitution reside with the citizen who is endowed by God with inalienable rights" notes Moscowitz. 

If every American carried around a copy of the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution in his or her pocket, and read it while waiting in line or while stuck in traffic, then Americans would begin to decipher the complexities of politics more easily. Constitutional literacy would lead to the American people re-asserting their natural sovereign rights when government usurps those rights. At the same time, Americans would begin to demand that their elected representatives re-assert powers that they were granted by the Constitution, powers that they have in many cases turned over to un-elected and unaccountable private entities.

“Constitutional literacy would go a long way toward enabling Americans to take back control over their own lives and destinies,” contends Moscowitz.

The Art and Science of American Money

Are the Big Banks Blackmailing our Government?

617-271-5044, Charles Moscowitz

The Art and Science of American Money – How Our Money Is Created and Why It Matters: http://amzn.com/B00DA1RWE8

Columnist:  Published in The Boston Globe, The Washington Times, The Providence Journal, WND, Newsmax and Front Page. Challenged Rep. Barney Frank in Massachusetts for Congress in 2004.
 Are the Big Banks Blackmailing our Government? 
Radio commentator and authorCharles Moscowitz has researched the history of American money from Colonial times to the present in his new book, The Art and Science of American Money -How Our Money Is Created and Why It Matterswhich is available at http://amzn.com/B00DA1RWE8.

The CEO’s of JP Morgan Chase, BNP Parabas and Deutsche Bank have threatened our nation and our elected President Barack Obama by claiming that if the United States defaults on the loans borrowed from the three banks, major share-holders in the Federal Reserve, than there will be dire consequences for the economy.    
Deutsche Bank chief executive Anshu Jain, speaking on Saturday at an Institute of International Finance conference in Washington D.C. said that a default would be "utterly catastrophic" and would result in “a very rapidly spreading fatal disease,"
Reuters reports that “Jain, JP Morgan Chase chief executive Jamie Dimon and Baudouin Prot, chairman of BNP Paribas said that a default would have dramatic consequences on the value of U.S. debt and the dollar and likely would plunge the world into another recession.”
Chuck Morse  says that these private international bankers are blackmailing our elected government into paying them usury interest rates on money that our government did not need to borrow. Our government holds the constitutional prerogative to raise the revenue it needs by various forms of taxation and, additionally, our Congress can simply issue the money the government needs to pay its bills directly from the Treasury interest free.
Our elected President and Congress should respond to this threat from the bankers, which is almost as serious a threat of military invasion, by renegotiating the terms of the loans and establishing a payment plan to pay them back. This should be done slowly and carefully, over time, by paying the bank loans with U.S.Notes or Greenbacks.  
The Constitution says that Congress, not a cartel of private bankers and investors, holds the responsibility to “coin money” or create the money, and to “regulate the value thereof” which means that the Congress regulates the value of our money by deciding how much or how little they choose to spend.
If they spend too much, we have inflation, if they do not spend enough we have depression. The Constitution authorizes our Federal Government the right to create and regulate the value of the dollar and we the people make this decision through our elected representatives in Congress.
Our elected President should not succumb to this blackmail by the private bankers who threaten to sink our economy if they don’t get to lend us more of our own money at interest and then use the money they create to pay themselves.
President Obama likes to compare himself to President Abraham Lincoln.

In that vein, President Obama ought to do as Lincoln did when he was confronted by similar threats from private bankers. Lincoln responded by authorizing Congress to issue interest-free Greenbacks to pay the costs of running the government including the financing of the Union Army. Lincoln's Greenbacks were issued, the economy was stable and the Union was saved. 
Schedule Charles Moscowitz on your show today for a full discussion on this timely subject!
Charles Moscowitz is the author of books as well as columns that have been published in The Boston Globe, The Washington Times, The Providence Journal, the New Bedford Standard Times, WND, Newsmax and Front Page. Chuck received the 2003 Communicator of the Year award from the National Right to Work Committee and was named a "Heavy 100" Radio Talk Host by Talkers Magazine. Chuck ran for Congress in 2004 against Rep. Barney Frank in Massachusetts.
Books may be reviewed and purchased at http://t.co/oxZNlr94Fw

On the Jewish Question

The Silence of the Holocaust-Shoah Establishment

Charles Moscowitz
617-271-5044, Charles Moscowitz

Chuck Morse Books

Author Book Page:  Books by Charles Moscowitz
Columnist:  Published in The Boston Globe, The Washington Times, The Providence Journal, WND, Newsmax and Front Page. 
Challenged Rep. Barney Frank in Massachusetts for Congress in 2004.
The Silence of the Holocaust-Shoah Establishment
Charles Moscowitz, the author of On the Jewish Question - Karl Marx, anti-Semitism and the War against the West, is available to discuss this topic

On the Jewish Question - Karl Marx, anti-Semitism and the War against the West

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This book responsibly and carefully addresses an aspect of the rise of Nazism and the implementation of the Holocaust against the Jews of Europe that has been viewed as taboo due to false portrayals by anti-Semites including the Nazis themselves. Indeed, this one aspect of the roots of Nazism has been virtually airbrushed out of public discourse. Charles Moscowitz contends that there will never be a fully integrated understanding of the Holocaust until the subject raised in this book is broached. Indeed, Moscowitz contends, the blackout of research covered in this book is a crime against the memory of the six million Jewish victims of the Nazi Holocaust and is a disservice to the letter and the spirit of the slogan “never again.”

The politically incorrect aspect of Nazism researched and documented in this book are the influence that Karl Marx had on the development of Nazism and on Adolf Hitler. This book republishes Marx’s hateful tract On the Jewish Question which should be listed in the same infamous pantheon of anti-Semitic hate literature as Mein Kampf and as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. This book documents the Marxist core of Nazism

In On the Jewish Question, Karl Marx wrote the following:

What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need,  self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew?  Huckstering. What is his worldly God?  Money.

Marx wrote about false consciousness which he applied to Judaism; false consciousness that he claimed was created by exploiters. He believed that such false consciousness could be replaced by a new paradigm that would advance human society toward the ultimate and utopian goal, the collective world ant-colony. But in order to accomplish his Utopian goals, Marx wrote that Judaism would have to be made impossible.

Marx sought to replace positive human traits such as Self-interest, which is the natural desire of the human being to control his own life and destiny,  Huckstering, which is the natural need for the human being to trade goods, services and ideas in an atmosphere of freedom, and Money, which allows people a means to store value and which is the basis of private property, with Communism. This book  examines the similarities between Marxism and the Nazi theory of the Ubbermench. 

Many liberals are made uncomfortable by the fact that by 1920 Lenin and the Bolsheviks had already murdered 4-5 million of their own people for political reasons before Hitler and the Nazis had formed, and these facts were well known to them. Indeed, the world turned a blind eye or even supported the Bolsheviks as progressive in the face of unprecedented atrocity.  Lenin is still viewed as a visionary in some circles. 

Morse states: I have been fascinated by the Holocaust since as a child I heard my grandparents and uncles and aunts discuss the topic and the people that they knew who were murdered. I wondered how this could have happened. I have searched for answers ever since. It is my quest to leave no stone unturned get  to the truth, and at this point in human history, after subsequent Communist genocides which took place after World War II and with the genocidal forces that the State of Israel faces, I would hope that others would be courageous enough to join me in my quest. 

Schedule Charles Moscowitz on your show today for a full discussion on this timely subject!