Monday, April 24, 2017

1941: Fighting the Shadow War, A Divided America in a World at War

1941: Fighting the Shadow War, A Divided America in a World at War
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Published: 06 Jul, 2016
Last Modified: 05 Apr, 2017
Comments: 1
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Radio veteran and author Chuck Morse interviews Marc Wortman, author of 1941 - Fighting the Shadow War In 1941: Fighting the Shadow War, A Divided America in a World at War, historian Marc Wortman thrillingly explores the little-known history of America’s clandestine involvement in World War II before the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Origins: The Origin of Matter, Space, Time, and Life

Origins: The Origin of Matter, Space, Time, and Life

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Published: 12 Jul, 2016
Last Modified: 24 Apr, 2017 

Dr. Troy Lawrence is a young Earth creationist, whose ministry and purpose is to reach others through teaching and sharing the incredible amount of evidence that supports the Biblical account of creation, the great flood, and more. He acknowledges that many who reject the Christian faith do so because their understanding of how the world came into being (evolution and old earth teachings) does not reconcile with the Bible. Dr. Lawrence is trying to change that, by sharing the reality of a young earth, proof of the great flood, and much more. Website: