Newsmax: Trump's Post-Racial Presidency Threatens Liberal Identity Politics
Trump's Post-Racial Presidency Threatens Liberal Identity Politics
(Mark R. Cristino/AFP/Getty Images)
Barack Obama deserves credit for being the post-racial president in terms of style and symbolism but when it comes to substance, Obama did little to heal the racial divide in America and he did nothing in particular to improve the lot of African-Americans and Americans who live in poverty. Instead, Obama chose to advance the same old left-wing agenda that contributes to poor neighborhoods, crime, drug addition, bad education, family breakdown and a general sense of demoralization.
Donald Trump’s positive vision of making America great again for all Americans, his inspiring advocacy of American values such as entrepreneurialism, Judeo-Christian morals and ethics, and law and order is moving the country and the culture away from the old self-serving destructive hyper-race identity of the left. As a businessman, Donald Trump believes in individual accomplishment and creativity and his advocacy of these progressive values threatens the old left-wing order of collective identity and racial resentment.
The response by liberals and their media lackeys has been to double down and cling to the regressive sinking ship of race identity. They offer nothing new to people of color other than heavy doses of race hate and us-against-them agitprop. When they label President Trump and his followers “white supremacists,” which is their new favored mantra, they project and deflect from their own race obsession which, in the real sense, finds common philosophical cause with the real white supremacist fringe.
Projection, a psychological concept identified by Sigmund Freud, occurs when a person or a group superimposes their own negative tendencies on to their perceived opponents. Virtually every negative trait the left projects onto Trump and his movement reflects their own inner beliefs. Thus, when the left screams about racism and white supremacy they drown out their own racist identity beliefs as they walk away from culpability from the deleterious consequences their policies have had on minority communities. When the left calls President Trump, a supporter of limited government and the deconstruction of the administrative state a “fascist,” they project attention away from their own support of the hyper-nationalist nanny state.
The charge of “racism” against Trump and his supporters hurts the minority community which, blinded by the emotional appeal, might be less inclined to take advantage of ideas that would lead to genuine advancement and a fuller participation in the American dream. The Trump movement should be a natural fit for minorities who seek pro-business regulations and low taxes to help develop start-ups, business expansion, and good jobs. Trump supports taking out the drug gangs and the criminals that prey on minority neighborhoods and he supports strong families and faith, both forces for self-sufficiency and happiness. He supports labor with domestic investment and by stopping the influx of cheap foreign labor, often illegal, that dilutes the hard-fought gains the American labor movement has achieved over the last century.
Since the 1960’s, minorities have made enormous strides toward freedom and prosperity in America despite the regressive left-wing policies that have retarded real growth. The left fears the possibility that minorities might realize that they don’t need their message of race hate to get ahead in life. They are afraid that Americans will throw away the microscope that the left uses to detect a racist gene in anyone who doesn’t properly genuflect in their direction. Indeed, Americans might toss the microscope of so-called micro-aggression theory in the garbage and focus on a macro analysis of the real cause of racism, an analysis that would no doubt prove to yield some very bad news for the regressive left.
Chuck Morse is a radio host who broadcasts live Thursday's at 10 a.m. ET at WMFO-Tufts. Chuck hosts the podcast "Chuck Morse Speaks" on iTunes and Stitcher and his books are available on For more of his reports — Click Here Now.