Sunday, May 28, 2017

Should Israel surrender land? Is new movie "Exodus-Gods and Kinds Biblical?

Should Israel surrender land? Is new movie "Exodus-Gods and Kinds Biblical?
120x120_12170629Media File: Israel.mp3
Published: 15 Oct, 2014
Last Modified: 28 May, 2017
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1st hour guest: Sam Blumenfeld, author of NEA-Trojan Horse in American Education, joins me in a discussion about the origins and ideology of the new left-wing anti-Semitism parading as opposition to the right of Israel to exist.

2nd hour guest: Chris Stone, director of Faith Driven Consumer, joins me in a talk about the Biblical content of the upcoming movie Exodus Gods and Kings Website:

Lowell Ponte - Don't Bank on it: The Unsafe World of 21st Century Banking

Lowell Ponte - Don't Bank on it: The Unsafe World of 21st Century Banking
120x120_12170621Media File: Lowell Ponte.mp3
Published: 16 Oct, 2014
Last Modified: 28 May, 2017
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Second Segmeent: Dr. Lowell Ponte, co-author of Don't Bank on it: The Unsafe World of 21st Century Banking is a former think tank futurist and was an editor Reader's Digest Magazine for many years during its heyday when it was one of the most widely read publications in the world. Lowell Ponte is co-author with of "The Great Withdrawal," "The Great Debasement," "The Inflation Deception: 6 Ways Government Tricks Us… and 7 Ways to Stop It!" (2011), and "Crashing The Dollar: How to Survive a Global Currency Collapse" (2010). Ponte’s articles have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and many other publications.

Lowell is currently a columnist at Lowell has been a guest on "The Today Show," "Good Morning America," "David Letterman" and other programs. Lowell has also been an aide in the California legislature, a reporter in Washington, D.C., a foreign correspondent reporting from 33 countries, co-partner in a successful Hollywood public relations firm, and a radio talk show host.

Jason Mattera chases Lois Lerner, Harry Reed - Debra Rae: Laughable Legends Turned Lethal

Jason Mattera chases Lois Lerner, Harry Reed - Debra Rae: Laughable Legends Turned Lethal
120x120_12170607Media File: Jason Mattera_ Debra Rae.mp3
Published: 17 Oct, 2014
Last Modified: 28 May, 2017
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1st hour guest: Author and Journalist Jason Mattera discusses his new book: Crapitalism: Liberals Who Make Millions Swiping Your Tax Dollars
His run-in with Lois Lerner:
His run-in with Harry Reed:

2nd hour guest: Debra Rae, host of Truth Talk Behind the Sound Bite discusses her article Laughable Legends Turned Lethal. Link to Truth Talk Behind the Sound Bite:

Link to Laughable Legends Turned Lethal:

Can sexual orientation be changed or is it innate?

Can sexual orientation be changed or is it innate?
120x120_12170599Media File: arthur goldberg.mp3
Published: 20 Oct, 2014
Last Modified: 28 May, 2017
Comments: 1
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My guest is Arthur Goldberg, author of "Light in the Closet: Torah, Homosexuality, and the Power to Change." Arthur is a founder of JONAH which offers therapy and counselling to overcome SSA or same-sex attraction. This book is about Jewish religious views on homosexuality, the political agenda behind the mainstreaming of homosexuality and other sexual practices and the nature of the therapy that might help the willing participant overcome SSA.