Monday, May 1, 2017

Bond of Secrecy: My Life with CIA Spy and Watergate Conspirator E. Howard Hunt

Bond of Secrecy: My Life with CIA Spy and Watergate Conspirator E. Howard Hunt
120x120_12118483Media File: Saint John Hunt.mp3
Published: 16 Mar, 2015
Last Modified: 01 May, 2017
Comments: 1
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Chuck Morse is joined by Saint John Hunt, author of "Bond of Secrecy: My Life with CIA Spy and Watergate Conspirator E. Howard Hunt." A father’s last confession to his son about the CIA, Watergate, and the plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy, this is the remarkable true story of St. John Hunt and his father E. Howard Hunt, the infamous Watergate burglar and CIA spymaster. In Howard Hunt's near-death confession to his son St. John, he revealed that key figures in the CIA were responsible for the plot to assassinate JFK in Dallas, and that Hunt himself was approached by the plotters, among whom included the CIA’s David Atlee Phillips, Cord Meyer, Jr., and William Harvey, as well as future Watergate burglar Frank Sturgis. An incredible true story told from an inside, authoritative source, this is also a personal account of a uniquely dysfunctional American family caught up in two of the biggest political scandals of the 20th century.


Futuristic Transportation, The Bilderburg Group

Futuristic Transportation, The Bilderburg Group
120x120_12118472Media File: Jerry Sanders_ Daniel Estul...
Published: 17 Mar, 2015
Last Modified: 01 May, 2017
Comments: 1
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1st guest: Jerry Sanders is the CEO of Skytran which is creating a futuristic mode of transportation.


2nd guest: Investigative journalist Daniel Estulin,author of "The True Story of the Bilderberg Group" discusses the annual meetings of the world’s most powerful people—the Bilderberg Group. Since its inception in 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in the small Dutch town of Oosterbeek, the Bilderberg Group has been comprised of European prime ministers, American presidents, and the wealthiest CEOs of the world, all coming together to discuss the economic and political future of humanity.
