Monday, January 27, 2020

Media Matters: WND Solves 'Mystery' of Why People Think Obama Is Muslim

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Monday, August 23, 2010

WND Solves 'Mystery' of Why People Think Obama Is Muslim

Topic: WorldNetDaily
An Aug. 20 WorldNetDaily article carries the headline; "Mystery solved! Why Americans think president is Muslim." And what's the solution that WND comes up with, via right-wing writer and radio host Chuck Morse? Obama secretly is Muslim.
No, really:
"It's hard to reasonably explain Obama's cold relationship with Israel, his inaction in the face of Iran obtaining a nuclear bomb, his giving a green light to the building of a mosque near where Islamic fundamentalists hijacked passenger planes on September 11, 2001, and made them into missiles to destroy the World Trade Center in Manhattan," says Morse.

One possible explanation, says Morse, is the Islamic principle of Taqiyya – or the sanctioning of hiding one's Muslim faith.

It's ultimately fear of the president's multicultural background and suspicion about his childhood travels that drives public distrust over the president's religion, reported the Associated Press.

"Obama is the Christian son of a Kenyan Muslim father and a Kansas mother," writes Hillel Italie. "Born in Hawaii, he lived from ages 6 to 10 in predominantly Muslim Indonesia with his mother and Indonesian stepfather. His full name, Barack Hussein Obama, sounds Muslim to many."

The name "Hussein" doesn't just sound Muslim, says Morse. It is "reserved exclusively for Muslims." In addition, Islamic law upholds that children born to a Muslim father are automatically Muslim, says Morse. The president's stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, was Muslim. Obama's school records indicate that in Indonesia he enrolled as a Muslim in Catholic and Muslim schools, and in his autobiography, he acknowledged studying the Quran in Indonesia.
Morse notes that Obama confessed to converting to Christianity around the dawn of his political involvement, "under the tutelage of the racist anti-American and anti-Semitic pastor Jeremiah Wright," he said.

But leaving Islam, Morse says, is fraught with complications and deadly consequences.

"By converting out of Islam, Obama either became an apostate, a murtadd, in Arabic, or he began engaging in an Islamic-sanctioned deception and thus remained Muslim," says Morse. "If Obama truly left Islam, and actively embraced Christianity, he could be subject to severe penalties under Islamic law including the death sentence. Islamic Shariah law calls for the execution of any Muslim who becomes a murtadd."
t's conceivable, says Morse, that the president never truly left Islam at all, but professes faith in Christ as a cover for his true beliefs – an allowable offense for Muslims in certain circumstances.

The "Islamic-sanctioned deception," says Morse, remains the only explanation to escaping such punishment.

"The other possibility is that President Obama is engaging in a Taqiyya, which is a lie that is spoken in the greater interest of Islam," says Morse. "There are several quotes in the Quran and the Hadith, the Islamic holy books, that set the conditions under which it is permissible for the Muslim to lie regarding his identity and his intentions when dealing with non-Muslims and the non-Muslim world. Lying is allowed, even encouraged, by the Muslim according to Shariah law, if the lie in some way furthers the agenda of Islam.

"If Obama is indeed a secret-believing Muslim, as opposed to an apostate, the effects on public policy and on American society would be profound," adds Morse. "Whether Muslim or Christian, Barack Obama is the first 'Muslim president' in the same way that Bill Clinton was the first 'black president.'"
WND has tried to push the secret-Muslim thing at least once before, in a column by Pieder Beeli. And like Beeli, Morse gets the idea of taqiyya completely wrong. As we've previously noted, Hussein Ibish, senior fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine, has said that the idea promoted by people like Beeli that taqiyya "constitutes a carte blanche for all Muslims to lie to all non-Muslims" is false; rather, it permits Muslims to lie about their faith in order to save themselves from imminent harm or death. "If there is a major religion that does not contain a doctrine that might permit someone to recant at the stake or before the axe, I am not aware of it," Ibish adds.
Of course, the fact that right-wingers like Morse and WND love to perpetuate a lie couldn't possibly have anything to do with why people think this about Obama.

Israel should annex the disputed territories


An Online Journal of Political Commentary & Analysis
Volume IV, Issue # 51, May 12, 2002
Dr. Almon Leroy Way, Jr., Editor
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  World War IV: Islamist Terror War Against the U.S.A. & the West

By Chuck Morse
U.S. House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX), recently appearing on an MSNBC talk show, was half right when he stated that Israel should annex East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza and that the Palestinian Authority should leave. Armey said, "There are many Arab nations that have many hundreds of thousands of acres of land and soil and property and opportunity to create a Palestinian state. I happen to believe that Palestinians should leave."
To quell an incoming storm of indignation over his suggestion that an entire population be expelled, Armey, rightfully, modified his position and suggested that "peaceful Palestinian civilians should not be forcibly expelled," that only those involved in subversive activity should be expelled. Much of the indignation he would've faced would've no doubt emanated from quarters supporting the racist and apartheid idea of expelling 200,000 Jews from the disputed territories, leaving the area Judenrein.
Either way, it's high time, in light of the mass murder campaign deliberately launched against the Jews of Israel these past eighteen months under the auspices of the Palestinian Authority, that consideration is given to the contention that partitioning an area about the size of Massachusetts into two hostile mini-states is a recipe for continuous war and violence. The demands of the Palestinian Arabs and their oil-rich Arab and Islamic allies hasn't changed one iota since the 1967 six-day war. They still demand that Israel withdraw to the untenable Armistice lines of 1949-1967, abandon Jerusalem, and give the descendants of Arabs driven out in 1948, numbering in the neighborhood of three million, the right to return to Israel.
Dr. Hussein Ibish, spokesman for the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee, has accurately stated that a Palestinian state on the West Bank and in Gaza would be a "Bantustan." Israel itself, if confined to the pre-1967 bonders, would also, in fact, be a Banstustan. Pre-1967 Israel, existing within what Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban callrd "Auschwitz lines," actually would look more like Congressman Marty Meehan's Massachusetts congressional district than a nation-state. A small corridor would connect Tel Aviv to the outskirts of Jerusalem, a swath of land would ride up the coast connecting the Galilee region, and another swath would connect Tel Aviv to the Negev Desert, which would make up about half of the total land. The bottom line is that any division of this tiny area will result in two Bantustans. After 50 years of bloody strife between the two Palestinian populations, one Jewish and one Arab, and the obvious religious, ethnic, language, political and cultural differences, it is obvious that two such states or Bantustans will lock into a death struggle.
Israel acted in good faith when it tried the two-state solution in 2000 and the experiment failed miserably. To risk such a venture again would be the equivalent of committing national suicide. No sovereign state should ever be placed in such a position. The last such partition, that of Czechoslovakia in 1938, didn't turn out too well. Common sense dictates that a partition is impossible and utopian.
Israel should immediately annex the disputed territories and allow for the development, over the longterm, of a semi-autonomous Palestinian Arab administration on the West Bank and in Gaza. Israel should maintain security control and provide for the safety of Israeli citizens in the region. Arabs who are willing to live in peace should be afforded the maximum benefits of political and cultural autonomy. Investment and economic development should be encouraged.

Subversive activity, such as the smuggling of weapons, building of bomb factories, planning of mass murder campaigns, collaboration with enemies of Israel, or development of clandestine militias, all of which took place under Yasser Arafat, should be handled swiftly by the Israeli justice system. If a person is convicted of crimes connected with such subversion, then Israel would be acting within its right, and in accord with international law and custom, to exile such a convict, if it chose this approach. Israel would not be expelling a person for being an Arab, but would be expelling a convicted criminal. Such a policy should be applied to Jew and Arab alike.

Makings of a Worldwide Surveillance State?

Makings of a Worldwide Surveillance State?

Former NSA employee, Edward Snowden, exposed the tip of the iceberg in terms of what appears to be a worldwide spying apparatus that is employing the most advanced technologies.
We now know that the NSA, which has indiscriminate access to the phone conversations and computers of millions of Americans, coordinates with the British spy agency GCHQ that developed the"Optic Nerve" program. The British program involved the arbitrary gathering of millions of Yahoo webcam chats with the data transferred to a massive central database.
Meanwhile the "Prism" program launched by the NSA in 2007,simultaneously with a British GCHQ counterpart, works with computer and electronics companies to gather personal data on users of products. The latest is a component of the new Microsoft's Xbox, which allows for video surveillance in the homes of users. 
Part of the Affordable Care Act (Obama care) involves the gathering of personal medical data on every American who participates, with the information to be stored in a massive computer facility being built in Utah. The Common Core Curriculum includes surveys of public school students in which personal data is gathered and stored in a computer facility near Washington D.C.
Plans are afoot requiring new cars to be fitted with computer chips for the purpose of tracking the location and route of the vehicle under the guise that the information would be used to levy road taxes.

“We are rapidly moving toward a world-wide surveillance apparatus that will be in a position very soon allowing government to know everything about virtually every person on the planet,” warns McNeil.  Aldous Huxley, the author of “Brave New World,” wrote about effects of drugs, and he was right, but his admonition could just as easily apply to what we are looking at now with the emergence of the international surveillance state.
Huxley wrote:
There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.

American Gestapo

American Gestapo

The first modern national police agency was established in Russia on December 7, 1917, when the leftist Soviet dictator, V.I. Lenin, formed the “All Russian Extraordinary Commission,” known as the Cheka, 15 years before Hitler’s rise to power. The Nazis modeled their national police agency, the Gestapo, after Lenin’s Cheka and there is evidence suggesting that Heinrich Muller, the main architect and the head of the Nazi Gestapo was a spy for the leftist Russian dictator Stalin. Evidence also suggests that at the end of the war Gestapo Mueller, as he was known, disappeared behind Soviet lines where he most likely went on to aid leftist East Germany in setting up their national police agency, the Stasi.

The Cheka was set up to fight domestic opponents of Lenin, those whom he called “enemies of the people.” The Cheka, which underwent various name changes, developed an extensive spy network that would expand worldwide and reach deeply into the FDR administration. A function of the Cheka was to gather “information about organizations and persons whose activity is directed against the revolution and proper authority.”

Within three years of its founding, the Cheka employed 250,000 full-time government agents and a vast number of informers. The Cheka averaged 1,000 executions a month of just political criminals alone. This is in contrast to the operations of the Czar’s police, the Okrana, which primarily functioned to protect the Russian royal family. The Okrana employed approximately 15,000 agents and executed an average of 17 prisoners a year for all crimes. While the Okrana handed over its suspects to Russian courts for trial, the Cheka established its own secret court system, one that issued verdicts based upon “the dictates of the revolutionary conscience.”

Within weeks of its establishment, the Cheka began setting up a network of concentration and labor camps, a system documented by Nobel Prize winning Soviet refusenick Alekandr Solzhenitsyn in his book “The Gulag Archipelago.” Hitler also embraced this model for his own concentration camp system and evidence exists that indicates that one of its main architects, Nazi official Martin Bormann, who played the role of Hitler’s virtual Prime Minister and who chaired the infamous Wannsee Conference, was also a Soviet agent. Bormann and Gestapo Mueller were both key players in the Holocaust against the Jews, which, it could be argued, was also a product of Soviet influence.

Lenin employed his secret police to liquidate entire groups of people. In January 1918, Lenin called for the “shooting on the spot one out of every ten found idling” publically urging the Cheka: “Until we apply the terror…shooting on the spot…to speculators, we shall achieve nothing.” He then demanded “the arrest and shooting of takers of bribes, swindlers, etc.” Any breach of the law was to be met with the “the harshest punishment.” On February 22, 1918, Lenin ordered local Soviets to “seek out, arrest and shoot immediately” those he declared as enemies of the people. On August 18, he ordered the Soviet of Nizhni-Novgorod: “You must exert every effort… instantly introduce mass terror, shoot and transport hundreds of prostitutes who get the soldiers drunk, officers etc…not a minute to be wasted.”

Lenin introduced collective punishment for what he deemed to be collective guilt. Under Lenin, entire groups and categories of people were declared guilty and were wiped out. Lenin annihilated over 4 million in genocide, or democide, by 1920, a fact that was noted by the nascent Nazis of the 1920’s who may have also observed the indifference, and in many cases, the support the leftist Soviets received in elite liberal circles for their unprecedented atrocities. It was natural for the Soviets and the Nazis, who established social planning regimes which sought to remake their respective societies, to establish national police agencies given the fact that these two nanny states sought planned economies and control of business, property, education, healthcare, welfare, population, and just about every other aspect of the life of the citizen.

Americans rejected the national police force from the time of the founding of the American Republic until today. In America the highest law enforcement officer in the land has traditionally been the elected county Sheriff. America’s first national investigative agency, which became known as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, was set up by President Woodrow Wilson, to investigate crime and political conspiracy while working with local law enforcement and the courts who would be empowered to act in the context of due process.

After World War II, President Harry Truman established the system that exists today, the national security apparatus, which includes the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency and several other agencies. Later, former President Truman noted, “I never would have agreed to the formation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty seven if I had known it would become the American Gestapo. Certainly, these agencies have over-stepped their original mandate in many well-documented ways. They have all moved in the direction of establishing national police forces.

The Obama Administration has accelerated the nationalization of police in unprecedented ways. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, at a campaign stop in Colorado Springs, July 2, 2008, set the tone for the development of a national police force when he stated that the United States “cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

While there will not likely be as blatant a development in America as the outright establishment of a Gestapo, the incremental establishment of such entities as “law enforcement divisions,” serving as appendages to growing numbers of federal and state agencies, should set off alarms for freedom-loving Americans. Since 2009, the Department of Justice and the IRS have both become militarized as they procure arms and military training for their officers. IRS warrants against businesses have increased since 2009 with an accompanying increase in the numbers of raids of private businesses conducted by SWAT teams. This is particularly disturbing in light of congressional testimony by former IRS employees regarding the political targeting of individuals and groups that are  viewed as enemies of the government. 

Since 2001, the Department of Education has been stockpiling an arsenal through purchases orchestrated by the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms. Since 2010, the Department of Homeland Security has been stockpiling millions of rounds of ammunition including hollow-point bullets. In 2014, the U.S. Postal Service asked contractors to register as potential ammunition suppliers and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration purchased 72,000 rounds of .40 Smith & Wesson ammo. In 2012, OSHA purchased 46,000 rounds of .40 S&W jacketed hollow point bullets from the National Weather Service.

Militarization is occurring at the state and local level as local police departments are for the first time receiving military grade weapons and hardware along with para-military training. Advances in technologies allow the NSA to monitor the phone conversations and internet exchanges of millions of people without notice. Other developing technologies being considered by police agencies include pre-crime surveillance technologies and cameras, biometrics systems, GPS chips in cars, and research conducted by the Defense Dapartment’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which conducts para-physiology experiments, and research.

Will a Leninist Cheka or a Nazi Gestapo emerge in America? The possibility should never be dismissed as a figment of the fecund imagination of a paranoid citizen. The militarization of American public institutions at all levels and the development of new technologies that could track more aspects of human life and even predict human thought are concerning. The compiling of data by government agencies including the Department of Education, the degree by which the public accepts greater infringements on constitutional rights in the name of safety and executive orders that grant the President direct control over the “means of production” in times of emergency are very concerning. Obamacare CORI scores that will determine levels of healthcare combined with the possible misuse of genomic mapping technologies threatens to bring back Eugenics, which was the ultimate leftist idea, the assumption by the state of control over life and death.

The two great 20th Century experiments in political and social planning, Nazism and Communism, viewed a national police force as essential to their authoritarian success and they were correct. Indeed, in order to implement such an unnatural system on human beings centralized use of force is essential. To suggest that our liberal American elite is not moving in the same direction, albeit in a more moderate American context, would be the height of naivete. We can't afford such willful ignorance in the face of grave threats to individual sovereignty and freedom.

Holocaust Studies denial of persecution of Christians and Women

Holocaust Studies denial of persecution of Christians and Women

Charles Moscowitz


Author Page:  Books by Charles Moscowitz  

Columnist:  Published in The Boston Globe, The Washington Times, The Providence Journal, WND, Newsmax and Front Page. 

Challenged Rep. Barney Frank in Massachusetts for Congress in 2004.

Clearly liberal American Jews and the liberal Holocaust Studies establishment is in denial as evidence mounts suggesting an accelerating Holocaust against indigenous Christians in many Islamic countries and in nations that either border Islamic countries or have sizable Islamic minorities.

Indeed a sickly silence envelopes liberal Jewish leaders, academics and Rabbis in the face of evidence of a growing worldwide Islamic Jihad that systematically slaughters Christians in Pakistan, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Nigeria and Central Africa with growing numbers persecuted, arrested, tortured and murdered for their faith.

In Nigeria, this Easter Sunday, Islamic Jihadists burned down a church and killed 150 Christians. This is happening with increasing frequency across the globe. 
Liberal Jews are also silent in the face of the Islamic war on women. This is not some imaginary “war on women” cooked up as a slogan by liberal media advisers to rile up Americans against Republicans. This real war on women involves routine rape, genital mutilation, beating, “honor killings,” and forced child marriages.

Radio host and author Charles Moscowitz is not at all surprised by the passive reaction as he notes the historic passivity of liberal American Jews in the face of the Nazi Holocaust. Indeed, many liberal Jews back then, those who deliberately silenced other Jews who were active opponents of the Nazi socialist experiment such as journalist Zev Jabotinsky, were more concerned with appeasing FDR then they were about saving the Jews of Europe.

These same liberal Jews ignored Communist atrocities in the Soviet Union and China, regimes that murdered tens of millions of their own people.

Brandeis University has withdrawn an honorary degree from Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a woman who spoke out about the Islamic war on women and western values. Ms Hirsi Ali identified a war that she experienced first-hand through genital mutilation, beatings and forced marriage. The liberals and the feminists at Brandeis have circled the wagons as they stifle the sounds of terror from their own minds. The Jewish liberals and feminists, along with  Holocaust Studies Professors, purge the sound of the screams of Christians tortured and murdered and the women raped and abused from their conscience assuming that they have any.